Monday, January 23, 2012

Just Some Food for Thought... Or Thinking...

Gyoza... BEST stuff ever.

Again. Be jealous of my awesomeness.

Sometimes I wish that I was the type of person who carried a camera around everywhere so I could share EVERYTHING with the world.

Sometimes good things happen and you just want to let everyone know how wonderful you feel.

YES? Raise your hand if you agree! Okay... that was just sad.

So one of my best friends from WAAAAAY back, like fifth grade, just got engaged and I am immensely happy right now. It also helps that I just ate a good pound worth of cookie dough, and the left over gyoza from me and Erin's excursion on Saturday. (They were all squashed together by the time I cooked them. But sooooo delicious.)

Also last night I finished one of my favorite books again. If you are reading this you are not allowed to judge me... cause I'm about to tell you. It's Faith of the Fallen by Terry Goodkind, by far the best one in the series. I will warn you... it's graphic and you may have to skip some scenes. But... it makes me happy.

First. (SPOILER) The antagonist is misunderstood and eventually turns to the good guy's side. This will forever be my absolute favorite way to "destroy" the antagonist. I'm terribly optimistic and almost naively idealistic when it comes to things like this. Plus she's just... interesting. A fun character and kind of melodramatic.

Second. It's one of the few books that the main character isn't just killing people left and right. (The series covers the course of roughly three separate wars). There's just a lot of fighting. Instead the main character is creating something beautiful. I'm not gonna lie, it's always been mydream to make something with my own hands and show it off to the world and say... "Look at this. I worked hard on this and when you look at it, I want you to stop and feel a sense of awe." Dunno... just always wanted to do something that made a change in people. I've always been interesting in working with my hands, I think those skills should be treasured and respected. People don't seem to appreciate them as much. The brain is overrated.

Third. The message the book tries to send you is one that I very much agree with and I feel that people around me sometimes struggle with. There are several themes and I won't bore you by going into them, so we'll just stop at... the book speaks to me.

Some other things that that struck me:

Dancing is fun. I think I look silly, but I don't really care.

My tummy is a black hole. Don't put food in front of me. It will disappear.

Men in a box, wrapped in naughty paper. Yup. Alex's Birthday, Happy 19th.

I can now tell time with the moon. HA!

Okay... I'm done.

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