Guess waaat? I CAN WRITE AGAIN!!! I've also become obsessed with Kelly Clarkson and have been for the past year. Sad? yes. Oh well.
Okay... We have made it to the battle scene. Enjoy.
Princess Rivalee (Part 21 and 22)
“Princess!! We’re under attack!” Jessaw came through the study door, face pale and eyes feverish. “Sealidans snuck in and they’ve got a-”
A huge crash shook the study and Riva tipped over in her chair to fall to the floor.
“A CATAPULT!! They’ve got a @#*$% catapult!” Jessaw yelled over the noise.
Riva pushed herself up and grabbed Jessaw. “Never repeat that word in my presence! Ye Gods, I thought we’d taught you better. Get the boys together, I’m going to need all the help I can get. Have they tried breaching the walls yet? Do you know how many there are?”
Jessaw shook his head. “No, Kadric says he thinks they know about the protections around the palace. He also said it was a small group that snuck in but there is a larger army outside the city. They’ve started to lay siege, he said.”
“Good, go! Get the rest!”
Thank the gods I didn’t send any of the regular soldiers with Gareth. While the Palace itself was wide open to take, the walls and barracks were still well stocked and manned. What I don’t understand is how they got a hold of a catapult within the city. Shouldn’t they be well guarded? Thoughts were whirling through her head as she made her way through the halls to her closed study. She found her bow and a quiver and was on her way out when Kadric appeared, red faced and huffing.
“We (huff) can’t hold them. (Deep huff) They’ll be through (huff) -oh gods- (huff) the west wall soon.”
Riva bit her lip. The men on the walls would be preoccupied and most of the men from the barracks would probably be at the city walls too, not here at the palace. “How many men do you think made it in?”
“Seven or eight.(huff) They’re using the gardens as their base. (huff) Two are shooting down anyone who get close. (Final huff) The others are using the catapult at close range, my spells can’t take it.”
How did they get this close to the capital without us hearing about it?
Jessaw knocked. Riva strode out to find ten or eleven boys with swords ready and no armor. I can’t attack head on. They’d pick us off in minutes.
“We’re ready.” Came the proud statement.
Riva wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or cry. She was the same age as these boys and they expected her to lead them. I’m going to get them all killed.
A shudder went through her and she gasped as she was thrown into yet another vision.
Glen was screaming for the cavalry to move. They were supposed to split the enemy’s infantry and they weren’t getting enough momentum. The King rode up beside him bringing his guard. “What’s holding them?”
Glen shook his head in frustration. “This mud, it’s making everything harder.” Rain was pouring without mercy. “Your Majesty, we should pull back. This isn’t a victory we need and I don’t feel that-”
A feather sprouted from the King’s neck. His personal guard swarmed around him and pulled him from his horse, but it was too late. The king was dead.
Glen drew his sword and kicked his horse around in the direction of the trees. His eyes widened and he shouted. “They’re coming! To me, men to me!”
As if he had given the signal men poured from the trees. Shooting and hacking at any flesh they could get at. Mud and grass streaked across their faces and clothes. Glen fought from horseback and somehow broke through the throng of men that converged against him. Their cavalry was now knee deep in infantry and waiting for the rest of the army to follow, but no help would come because of the ambush. Their forces were being split and Glen knew it. He chased after the cavalry trying to call any who would back, to retreat and help in the main force.
Something struck him from behind and he toppled to the ground a large dent in his armor. He looked up from the mud and watched one of his own glare down at him.
Glen gasped for air. “You... I thought.”
“You thought you’d gotten us all. But you were wrong, there are spies here and in the palace just waiting to let our men in.” He laughed. “And now that you’re the Alsteare’s second. You are going to buy me a pretty penny from the King.”
The butt of a lance ended the conversation.
Riva staggered backward and slowly the noise around her permeated her thoughts.
“Riva! Can you hear me?”
Another crash sounded through the palace. Riva steadied herself and called out. “Kadric, find as many members of the Council as you can! Let’s go.” She told the young men.
“Jessaw you will take the group and go the long way around the gardens, Benson knows the maze best. Use it as cover and get as close as you can to the catapult. DON’T DO ANYTHING STUPID!” She ordered him. “Keep everyone alive and stay down. Move when there is an opening.
“Doesn’t matter. MOVE!”
Riva exited through her study and observed from the balcony. The catapult was positioned on a hill that was backed with a wall. That’s stupid. They don’t have an escape route. Unless it was a suicide mission, but Riva didn’t think so. The remaining men from the Palace Guard had set up a defensive wall with benches and potted trees. From the bodies that littered the area between the two, there had obviously been several foiled attempts to rush the invaders.
Riva climbed down from her balcony and headed towards the defenders. If they played their cards right they could take them without losing too many.
A squad of men from the barracks rushed in and effectively killed the last of the palace’s defenders.
Riva’s blood went cold. Traitors. You are all traitors. Anger bubbled up within her and without even realizing what she was about to do, she called upon fire. It sprang to her fingers eager to lick up her energy, to eat anything in it’s path. When she was in striking distance she unleashed it on the unsuspecting men.
Many beat at their clothes trying to put it out. A few saw the threat and charged. Riva pulled two arrows from her quiver and guided them with air to their hearts. Anger made everything sharper, clearer. It was like someone else had control of her body and she was watching from a distance, taking each man down. Within a few seconds the squad was dead and the eight men stationed on the hill had their attention on her. Four were constantly reloading and firing the catapult while the others were armed with crossbows and bows. Arrows flew toward her. She ducked down, trying not to smell the burned flesh and look at the charred bodies. A bolt sprouted through a pallet of wood near her head.
She was breathing heavily from the heavy use of magic. The smoking remains around her finally were too much and she turned and vomited. They would’ve killed you in a heartbeat. They were bad men who would have hurt even more people. An arrow clattered overhead, bringing her back to the present situation. That’s right! I have to keep their attention.
With shaking hands, Riva selected an arrow and put it in her bow. It had been a long time since she had actually put her skills to use. She only hoped they held. In a swift motion she brought her body up in a kneeling position, aimed quickly and carefully (Glen had drilled this into her) and fired. Then she hunkered back down having no clue if her arrow had found its mark.
Another arrow, another shot. After three more shots and two close brushes with one in the head. She heard Jessaw charge from the bushes. Stupid, stupid boy! You are supposed to be a surprise attack!
She came up and aimed, firing her arrow and killing one of the archers before he could kill Jessaw. That made three dead from Riva’s arrows, the odds were now five to eleven. As Riva took aim again, she watched Jessaw dodge and slice at a bigger man. Jessaw took a long slice at the shoulder but was able to get close enough to shove his sword in his gut. It stuck there and Jessaw had to back away to avoid a last desperate cut. Riva fired and watched another man fall. Three to nine. Two boys had fallen, whether they were dead or not, she didn’t know.
It was a short battle. While the boys weren’t as well trained, the survival instinct was apparent in their styles. Only Jessaw was crazy enough to take a fully trained man one on one. By the time Riva had reached them the rest of the men were dead and only three of the boys were badly wounded. None had died.
Silently Riva thanked the heavens and organized the boys into making stretcher and bandages. Everyone would live.
“Jessaw, I have to get to Kadric. Can you take care of the rest?”
Jessaw nodded unfazed by the battle. “Sure.”
Riva stopped. “Jessaw, do you know how to work this thing?”
He grinned.
“Riva! Princess! There’s fighting at the walls!!” Kadric was running through the gardens. He was red in the face and panting heavily. Staggering, he tried to step over a short hedge. His foot caught and his arms windmilled to help keep his balance. Sweat was flowing freely and soaking his dark robe.
Riva struggled not to laugh, her face screwing up. “Kadric-” she covered her mouth with one hand. “Are you alright?”
“I’m-” between each word he huffed and took a deep breath. “fine. I’m fine.” He weakly pointed toward the western wall. “There. They’re fighting. Our own men are fighting each other.”
Riva cursed.
“I thought you said never to repeat that word in your presence.” Jessaw muttered.
“It was the first one I could think of thanks to you!” She snapped. “Beson, Mike, Daniel bring the catapult to the western wall. Jessaw, get everyone else together and let’s go.” She put a hand on Kadric’s back, he was still breathing hard. “Kadric, do you think you can make it?”
He waved a hand. “I’ll catch up. Just gimme a sec.”
“Hurry, I may need you.” She motioned to the others. “Jessaw, let’s go.”
They ran to the walls, Riva got a hold of a short sword. The closer they got to the wall the thicker the throng of people. Everyone was yelling, struggling to either get away or get toward the fighting. Screams and cries of pain filled the air. Clashes of metal.
Riva looked back to see if Jessaw was following. They were shoving people left and right, creating a pathway. Jessaw grinned, noticing how much trouble she was having. He bulldozed through, going before her and the others.
The scene before them was a disaster. Men from the barracks and the Palace Guard were fighting each other, no one knew who was friend or foe. Bodies from both sides littered the wall and the wide streets in front of the gate. Commander Bradshaw was in the thick of it. “Men, to me! To me! Guard the gate!”
“Jessaw!” Riva screamed for his attention. When he turned his head, she pointed to the Commander. “Take us to the gates.”
The boys had formed a tight circle around Riva before she could protest. They would move more slowly, and they weren’t going to have much room to maneuver; it could get some of them killed. Soon they were through the worst of the battle, anyone who attempted to hinder the group was quickly dispatched. Their complete trust in each other was apparent in the young men’s teamwork. Despite the death and carnage that resulted, Riva couldn’t help but be impressed.
“Commander Bradshaw! What’s going on?” Riva yelled over the noise.
His brow furrowed. “Princess, you shouldn’t be away from the safety of the palace. It’s too danger-”
“Commander, I don’t have time for this argument. Answer the question, what happened?”
He pursed his lips but went on to explain. “Several men from our barracks went rouge and tried to open the gates to the men waiting outside our gates. Fortunately I had my own men stationed here and some of the men from the palace were able to prevent the disaster.” Every line in his face frowned. “This stinks of traitors, Princess. There’ve been rumors but I would’ve never believed it could be my own soldiers.”
The battle was escalating around them. He turned his focus on the matter at hand.
“What do you need done, Commander?” Riva asked. She liked him. Unless this was an elaborate plot to fool her into trusting him, she believed he was too war weary and hardened to fall for Sealidan’s lures.
“I need you to be somewhere safe, Princess.”
Riva was tempted to sigh. “Right now, I can’t afford to be safe, Commander. If these men get the gate open then it’s all over for us.” She selected an arrow and shot an enemy in the unprotected area at his neck.
“Excellent shot, your Majesty. If I may say so.”
He sounded impressed despite himself. Riva smiled grimly. Never thought I’d actually have to kill someone with this.
“My men will hold them off. We’ll pick them off as they come, your Majesty. You men in front.” Bradshaw hollered at Jessaw and the others. Together all of the Commander’s men formed a half circle around the gates and kept anyone who dared approach at bay. Civilians and men-at-arms attempted to get them open. The portcullis had already been raised and the army outside the gates were preparing to enter the city. The only thing between them their goal was a line of archers on the walls and the Commander’s men. Riva hoped that the enemy would wait for the gates to open rather than break the gates down.
Their luck held. One by one they killed anyone who posed a threat. Riva kept a look out for hidden archers and took any clear shot she could get.
Most of the fighting had already been done, in a few minutes the battle was over and they still had control of the city. Benson, Daniel and Mike came with the catapult.and the Commander directed them in using it against the enemy.
“Commander, would you mind escorting me to the palace? I believe we have some business to attend to there.”
He was hesitant to leave his men.
“Organize them as you need to, but with or without you they will fight the best they know how.” Riva reminded him softly.”I’d like your assistance at the palace.”
The Commander bowed. “As you wish, your Majesty.”
Together they made their way to the palace.
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