What can beat the time when everyone is looking around trying to find the perfect gift for their friends and family? Yes, it's a little stressful.
But I got to see my sister Leslie for the first time in... okay, really it's only been a few months, but we've gotten really close and I forget how much I miss her advice. She has really good advice. It's specifically tailored for my brain. Coolest thing ever.
Well, I have to brag about what I got. A Kindle Touch. That's right, my parents know me REALLY well. The first thing I did? Download almost 70 free books. Right now I'm reading the Scarlet Pimpernel AH! Man, that guy has a vocabulary! The best part is to look up a word all I have to do is touch it. I now know that inane means silly or stupid, enigmatic means difficult to interpret, or mysterious, consummate means perfect or complete (at least for the meaning I was looking up) It's the coolest thing ever.
I can also borrow books from libraries, send my or other documents to my kindle, put music on it, have it read to me, HAHA!!! I feel like I control the world.
I also got some soft slippers, a Kelly Clarkson CD (score!) and a metronome. Yes, a metronome, I'm taking voice lessons and I'm weird like that.
My little sister got an Ipod touch, now she can text people (me) and listen to awesome music. I'm really excited for her. I got her some scrapbooking supplies and a CD she's been dying for (it's still coming in the mail)
My younger brothers got a gun. A 22-rifle and I'm a little concerned for their safety and terribly excited to go and try it out. I got them ties, they look awesome. They got a game called Thunderstone, I'm pretty sure we're playing wrong. So I'm gonna read the rules sometime, I can't STAND it when you are playing a game and are unsure about how things are supposed to be done. What if you play it with another group and they go and buy it and discover that everything you've told them was a LIE. Yup, there goes all your street cred. (Not a good analogy, but I don't really care.)
I'm pretty bummed about there being no snow. I was dreaming of a White Christmas and am thoroughly disappointed.
Quick story, So a few nights ago, I was up writing and watching movies and anything else that could capture my attention. It was around 6 in the morning and my little brother Sam was up and he started playing on the other computer we have. The lights were on, that makes a difference. When... I feel something crawl over my arm, I look down. Spider.
I jump up, throw my blanket off (no shrieking. I'm not a shrieker. Is that a word?) and start shuddering, vocally and literally. Then I tell Sam to go and kill it. He'd jumped up cause I suddenly went all crazy. But he didn't kill it and just let it hide under the desk.
Next night, I'm doing the same thing. 'Cept it's like four in the morning and the lights are off and I'm by myself. The Spider drops down from the ceiling and yes, it was the same spider, would've recognized that thing anywhere, and lands right between my arms (I was typing.) Basically right in front of my face. (Again! I did not shriek. When I get scared I tend to seize up and clamp my mouth shut. My hands go into fists and I'm ready to hit something. Anyway...) I backed off with all haste and tried to hurry the thing away from me. Squishing spiders is something I only do when the offender is in my room or the bathroom. If
The stupid spider ran the wrong direction, (well it did run away from me) straight onto the keyboard. Not kidding it hunkered down into the spaces between the keys and was perfectly happy to just chill there, daring me to try and continue my writing.
I tapped at keys near it and blew at it which could at times be counterproductive, but eventually it ran away and I just kept my feet up off the floor and arms well away from the scene of it's disappearance.
But I'm sure my nemesis will return. Lud, I hate spiders.
As for Riva, sit tight, I'm still forming the outline in my brain. Until next time.
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