Thursday, December 15, 2011

Final Thoughts and Escapism

No one likes finals, most people go into a caffeinated, sleep-deprived state that cannot be good for the soul. But I've come up with a system to survive. Why it may not be the best way to get through finals, you do get through it in one piece.

First step, Detach yourself. What happens happens. After the test is done, it's done. Don't care about your grade, there's nothing you can really do at this point to change it. Study hard but don't beat yourself up. Just do your best. (THIS IS KEY!)
Second step, Schedule your finals week: plan out which days you will study for which test. If you have a pre-plan (That's kind of redundant...) it's harder to procrastinate and you'll hate yourself less on Friday.
Third step, Have some sort of outlet so you can just sit back and say "I've studies for a couple of hours, now it's time to watch/read such and such."

It seems to work for me.

I tend to do too much of the third step. Escapism I call it... Because that's actually what it's called. Anyway, it's when you forget what's real and let yourself get caught up in a completely different place and time. So right now I'm reading a marvelous Fantasy book that I have already read and am simply enjoying the righting and style. It's fun to analyze another authors writing. Makes you reflect on what you can change about your own. I've also become addicted to WAAAAAAAAYYY too many TV shows.

Allow me to vent. I just watched Once Upon A Time the most recent episode and I cried, in the middle of the library. (I think the sleep deprivation helps, it seems to make you more emotional) Also everyone should watch Leverage, possibly the best TV show ever. Parker is by far my most favorite person in the world.

I hate being hooked on a story and finding out that you have to wait a week... (or a month) I HATE IT. I hate waiting. I'm all about instant gratification!!! GIVE US WHAT WE WANT NOW!

Stupid. I'm stupid. I'm plotting out Riva, gimme until the end of the week. I gotta figure out what the bad guy is thinking.

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