Sunday, February 19, 2012

Just an update on my life


Has anyone found that your mother feels like she is entitled to use any skills that you have because
1. She gave birth to you. (Not pleasant)
2. She paid for any related lessons, education and schooling in general.
3. You are in her house and have been her responsibility for the past 18 years. (in other words, she OWNED you at one point)
4. She feeds you... really good food.

These are all perfectly good reasons. Yes, I feel like I should repay my mother. Does that mean that she can snap her fingers and say... "Entertain me."... not so much.

This happened to me.

I obliged. And went bright red for my pains. Then I quickly ran from the house still high on adrenaline. I tell ya. She's gonna be the death of me.

Another small update. My sister is living with me. I cannot express my joy at having a kindred spirit in my house. As much as I love my room-mate there's nothing like having a sibling that so completely understands you nearby. And if I need to get out of the house there is always my second home... the HFAC.

I'm pretty sure I spend more time in the HFAC than I do in my actual apartment. Sad? Yes. Do I really care? No.

As for my writing. I hit a slump. I gotta focus on school and I will get back to it someday. As for now, I will ponder and stare outside wishing that it was sunny and I could soak up the warmth. I miss summer. I'm sick of school.

Okay, I'm tired. Time for bed. See you in a month or so.

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