Friday, June 1, 2012

Prologue to Mel's Prompt Story

Yello... It's officially NaNo day number one and I've tackled the prologue. I hope you enjoy it.

Mel's Prompt Story (Prologue)

When Lorwyn entered the dorm she knew that something was wrong. It was eerily quiet, there was always a group of boys up planning pranks of some sort. With a wary eye, she checked the ceiling or buckets and the floor for mouse traps. She'd been the subject of their jokes for the past month and it was started to wear on her. Moving slowly and with extreme stealthiness she made it to her room with three other girls.

"Mara? Do you know what's--"

As the door opened she stopped short. Mara and two other bodies were on the floor or half out of their beds. Lorwyn swallowed and finally registered the dark figure, standing with the stillness of the dead. The panic that flooded Lorwyn increased dramatically as he turned to her and showed her his face, cold and unashamed.

"Brecc?" Her heart jolted to a stop. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Brecc, what are you--?" Her mind was muddled, trying to combine her image of her best friend with this cold blooded murderer. Her eyes went to his clothes and hands. Blood. Knives.

"You killed them." No matter how much she loved and cared for him, her mind could not deny her eyes.

Dread settled within her and purred contentedly. He wouldn't hurt her, she could talk to him. There had to be a logical explanation. Calmly Lorwyn squared her shoulders to Brecc and asked matter-of-factly, "What now?"

Brecc's dead eyes stared into her. Gently she probed him with her own mind, trying to make any sort of connection with the boy she knew, but he was securely guarded.

And then a smile twisted onto his stone features.

Lorwyn had never been so terrified in her life. This was not her friend, this person wasn't even human. This was a maniac who would hurt anyone who got in his way. Instinctively she stepped back, frozen like a deer about to take an arrow to its heart.

Brecc lifted a knife to eye level, still grinning and started to walk toward her. When he spoke it was slow and softly, as if he had all the time in the world. "Now...Now, I'm going to leave you, alive and well. And for years to come, you are going to play this scene over and over again. You were too trusting Lori. Naive little Lori, you trusted me, your roommates, your superiors, anyone who greeted you kindly without giving it a thought." He paced around her, flipping the knife around as if trying to decide where to cut. "So weak, so submitting, so easy to manipulate." His grin widened as he placed a knife to her throat. "That's all your good for. Isn't that right? Entertainment, that's your roll. The butt of all the jokes." He laughed. Lorwyn shuddered, it wasn't his laugh. He jerked his face close to hers. "Poor, poor little Lori, can't protect your friends, can't beat me, can't protect yourself. Can't even use her powers to see that her friend is a killer." He shoved her away like trash.

After sheathing his stained knives he touched his forehead in a mocking farewell and lit a match. "Enjoy the rest of your existence."
It took a full twenty seconds for Lorwyn to realize that Brecc had left and the dorms were now in flames, her roommates were dead and her best friend had just betrayed everything they had believed.

Hurt and anger swirled together and tears pricked her eyes. She was going to kill him. She was going to find him beat some answers out of him and then kill him. When she finally came to herself, she was surrounded in flames. Gritting her teeth against the heat, Lorwyn locked on to the nearest window. Three floors up. It was either a couple of broken legs or being burned alive. With a hoarse scream, she rushed through the flames as searing pain licked her skin eagerly. Thunking into the wall, she coughed unable to get clean air into her lungs and kept her eyes tightly shut against the flames. By feel she found the latch and heaved the window open, crying against the pain and hurt. The cold air only seemed to make the burning room hotter. Lorwyn leapt and counted to two before she hit the ground her legs crumbling under her, she tipped herself forward and rolled.

The heat followed her, on her hands and knees she crawled through the grass until she could feel the damp dew. All the time keeping her eyes tightly shut, crying silently. She didn't want to open them. Inside she was screaming, her skin was screaming. Alternating between coughing out smoke and her body wracking with sobs, Lorwyn felt like a wreck and she was sinking fast. When she finally had control of her voice she knelt and screamed to rival the roaring fire.

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