Random tangent, another good song for anyone who likes to listen to opera and crazy amazing voices like I do, look up "Diva" by Mark Mancina. It's wonderfully dramatic and inspirational and of course... the ridiculous high notes I wish I could hit with such ease are in there.
ANYWAY back to where I was going with all of this.
I'M BACK!!!!
I know I haven't posted in like... a while... just a really long time.... months maybe. School was distracting, okay? And unlike crazy Erin and Alex I have work on top of that. (I know that's not really an excuse but I'm using it, so deal)
Playing Nertz (Pounce) with Rook and Phase cards is practically impossible.
So now that Summer is here again, I plan on writing to my heart's content. You will hear me reference to a wonderful book that Erin let me borrow called 45 Master Characters: Mythic Models for creating Original Characters. I'll be pulling from there quite a bit, I'm still working on my Sienna story and it's morphed beyond recognition. You may see flashes here and there, mostly for Jessica and Erin to give me feedback for. I'm working on my bad guy(s) currently and he's/they're a piece of work... end of story.
By the way, Erin, Jessica, Holly and Alex. I had a really creepy dream that I think only you will appreciate, I plan on writing a short story from it. The decapitation of Tyra Banks (random? yes, I blame Angelica. We watched America's Next Top Model), Zombies, spooky cabins and a spaceship are involved. It's going to be awesome.
Oh! I got another job! I know wonderful yes? I now have three and it's going to be a pain getting to all of them but money is money. I don't feel like getting into details now and you've heard me ramble long enough.
Kshhhhhhk Shannon out. Kshhhhk