Whew! You guys have missed tons, but don't worry I'll catch you up. Honestly I would've kept you up to date but... there's a little something called midterms that I just couldn't ignore.
SO... Me, Erin, Alex, Holly and Jessica played Betrayal at House on the Hill and I'm officially addicted to the game. It is quite literally, a horror movie as board game. Quite enjoyable. Seriously... the house will eat you.
I turned into an alien, was dragged back into the house by Holly turned into a wax monster, was decapitated and finally killed by my evil twin. It was an eventful night.
Next matter of business... In American Heritage we had to do a paper on abortion and whether is should be state or federal, I said state of course. But while I was doing research I came across a horrifying story about... well... it's pretty horrifying but it turned out to be a wonderful story about healing, and falling in love, having kids and getting married even though... some bad things had happened. It was pretty graphic and I'd rather not scar anyone so I won't give you details.
AND FINALLY!!! MY FAVORITE CHARACTER CAME BACK TO LIFE!!!! I mean... I'm reading this series and said series had killed off one of my FAVORITE people and I was balling when she died. I mean she was dead... like.... stabbed, roasted, minced and fed to hungry sharks dead. DEAD. There was NO way she could have been alive and she came back at the end of the chapter!! You should have seen me, it was pretty hilarious. I was reading it last night... at the book store because it just came out and I'm too cheap to buy the thing. And JUST before I had to stop she came alive and I don't know how she did it!!! But I made a pretty beautiful spectacle of myself, jumping around, barely keeping in my squeals of joy, I kept pacing whispering to myself "she's alive!!!" heck, I think at one point I fell down, because my legs couldn't take my joy and just sat there, trying not to be too emotional. It's been killing me all day, I don't know how she did it! Plus she totally started a rebellion, how sweet is that?
I mean you know in the movies or books when people are totally crushed because their true love is dead and then they can't believe it when they are actually alive?! Well, usually you can see those coming but I was TOTALLY blindsided by this. Did not expect it and I swear I can kind of sympathize with those poor people now. I don't think I could take them seriously before.
And as for my story... it's still a work in progress BUT I am making progress and I've just been swamped. I've bounced some ideas off of some friends and we both decided it's definitely complicated... So I'm thinking about simplifying it. We'll see what happens.
Anyway, thanks for listening to my ramblings!
Shannon Out.